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Its POAP Time

I have been speaking at conferences and training teams in the web2 space for over 10 years. It was finally time for me to take that skillset and transfer it into the web3 space, and what better way to kick it off than a talk about POAPs.

Its POAP Time Slides

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For my first-ever web3 session I joined the InPeak platform to chat with their community. We talked about the basics of what a POAP is, inspiration on how to use a POAP for marketing and community building, and even the technical how-tos of setting up a POAP. We explored everything, and I want to share that with you as well.

Since InPeak is a token-gated platform, you won't be able to see the recording without joining their community. However, I would love to at least share the slide deck with anyone who wants it, to help give an understanding of the world of POAPs.